Sunday, July 26, 2009

USA: Disease devastating US avocados

July 24, 2009 - ABC Rural

A new disease of avocado trees is moving towards a major production area of the United States. Laurel wilt first appeared in the United States in 2002, and has never been found anywhere else. It's devastated the backyard avocado trees it's come into contact with, and is only 150 kilometres from South Florida's vast plantations. Professor Randy Ploetz, from the University ... read more...

Friday, July 17, 2009

USA: New marketing campaign for Mexican avos

July 14, 2009 -

The Mexican avocado industry is to introduce a new marketing campaign this winter and fall, with the aim of increasing consumption in key US states. ... read more...

Friday, July 10, 2009

USA: Inland avocado farmers facing challenge

July 10, 2009 - The Press Enterprise

In prior years, Eco Farms of Temecula employed as many as 25 workers in its fields of avocado trees. Today, that number is 12. Packing used to happen six days a week; it's three now. Like other avocado farms in southwest Riverside County, Eco Farms, which controls 800 acres in Riverside and San Diego counties, is struggling with high water prices, a lack ... read more...

UK welcomes Aussie Avocados

July 10, 2007 -

We don't want to give them the Ashes but we're happy to send them our avocados. More than 20 tonnes of fruit was recently shipped to the UK from five avocado growers near Bundaberg. The consignment was ... read more...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New US import data available tomorrow!

by David Ivanovic

Stay tuned as tomorrow I’ll publish the latest US import data for May 2009. EU data will be availalbe a few weeks later.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Japan: Mexican shipments dominate the market

by David Ivanovic

In 2008, Japan imported more than 24,000 t. of avocadoes, for a CIF value of approximately US$75 millions.

japan avocado 2008

Mexico dominates the Japanese market, with 96% of total imports supplied by that origins. Other minor players, making up the balance of suppliers, include the USA, Chile and New Zealand.

USA: USDA eases pest protocols on avocados

July 2, 2009 - The Packer

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal, Plant and Health Inspection Service has amended its foreign and domestic quarantine regulations on the movement of Hass avocados. ... read more...